Don't hesitate or allow yourself to make excuses. just get out and do it, and you will be glad that you did it.    
                                                                                    -Christopher Mc Candless 

Everyone will have to deal with this at some point if they want to begin a new routine, a new job, or something outside of their comfort zone. We spend so much time worrying about how things will unfold, whether they will work, and so forth. I, too, must contend with this. But last year, I had the notion of starting a blog. I read some of the blogs that had inspired me and decided that since I had so much to say, I should give it a shot. 

So I talked about it with some of my friends and told them I wanted to do it but wasn't sure how or if it would work. They always told me, however, that I should just start with whatever comes to mind throughout the day that I believe would be beneficial to share with others. So I started looking into it. I did a lot of brainstorming for this. But after a while, I got carried away by my work and forgot about it. After a year, however, I came across some blogs while scrolling through Instagram. I realized at the time that I wanted to start a blog, and now that I have the time, That is what I intend to do.  Why not right now? So I decided to go ahead and do it.

 Believe me, it took me a long time to decide whether or not to share this. But then, I thought it was my journal, and I want to share what I went through to start this blog. So here I am with my first blog about it. I understand that today's world is judgmental and competitive, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't start doing so. We should not consider what others will say if they judge us on it or anything else. So just get things started.

I know that I'm going to make mistakes. and I'm sure I'll learn from them, so just do what your heart desires and what's right for you. Believe me, when you do it, you will feel content and happy. So, don't overthink it, and just do it.


  1. That perfect moment we all wait for never alings in time and what we often forget is the MOMENT IS NOW! and the fact that you recognised it is half battle won !!! This is soo good that you started it off, I am sure you will do amazing things. Wishing you all the love,abundance, happiness and success. Can’t wait for what’s more in the store!!!! ♥️

  2. True and beautiful thoughts , the moment we wait for will never come. We need to create that moment. Plus, the magic of beginning is real coz I have seen it

  3. This is so inspiring. Your perspectives are so beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing this. Lot's of love. Keeep writing.


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