I had a lot of highs and lows this year; a lot of positive and negative things happened, therefore it was not my best year. However, I did learn the following lessons:
  • I started my blog, which was one of my good things. Honestly, I don't know if it will reach many people, but if it helps even one person, I would be more than happy. I know I haven't been consistent, but I'm glad I started it and took my first step. Hopefully, I will be consistent in 2024.
  •  I have learned that health is more important than anything else. We usually neglect our health when we work or study, and we keep neglecting it until it reaches its peak. But I have learned that health is real wealth. If we are healthy, we can literally do anything in this world, and no one can stop us from conquering this world.
  • Stop expecting and start accepting; this applies to your work, relationships, and love. If you expect, you will only be hurt, so it is better to accept the facts. 
  • The solution is always within you; trust yourself and pursue your happiness, not that of others. We suffer more in our imaginations than in reality; we have a tendency to think so much that, even in cases where the situation is not too bad, we make it up. Try to live in reality.
  • Nothing will work unless you do. This is so obvious. We know we should do this and we think we can do it, but we still do not do it, so it matters that we do. 
  • Meeting new people can teach us a lot of valuable lessons. 
  • No one is permanent in our lives; sometimes you will be alone, and that is okay. You are stronger than you think. We meet a lot of people; some stay, some are just chapters in our story. Learn from them and move on.
  • Collecting moments rather than things is a great way to live. We never know what the future holds, so live each moment to the fullest because we will always treasure it. 
  • Love and accept who you are, even if it is difficult. We will live a better life if we do this.
  •  Do not forget about your passions and hobbies. I know that we are too busy to devote enough time to them, but I promise that you will feel great just spending ten minutes on them.
  • Continue to multiply your thankfulness for the things in your life by being grateful for them.
  • These were some of the lessons I obtained in 2023. I pray that 2024 offers me and all of you greater love, abundance, and amazing lessons. Best wishes, and many thanks.



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